Bike Walk SouthWest Montana, 1575 Overland Rd. Dillon, MT.
A Non-Profit Public Charity promoting bicycling and walking opportunities for all ages and abilities. BWSW operates a camp in Dillon, Montana for the local and travelling public as a support for walking and bicycling adventures.
Look us up on Google Maps.
Helpful links & Rx Trails
Rx Trails - Walking trails are marked in increments of distance travelled. Through a prescription program, doctors can write a prescription for a patient to walk a distance on a marked trail as a health or injury therapy.
www.warmshowers.org - an international organization of volunteer hosts offering a place to stay, rest, clean-up and offer help. Map on the website gives locations of hosts.
www.crazyguyonabike.com - an world wide blog site of bicyclists commentaries, activities and suggestions.
http://www.beaverheadcounty.org/ - Bike Walk Southwest Montana is located in Beaverhead County Montana. This link is useful when travelling across the county.
http://www.kbzk.com/weather - a helpful site when travelling in southwest Montana. This part of the world can change weather dramatically. Be prepared.
http://roadreport.mdt.mt.gov/travinfomobile/ - Montana department of updated road reports. Does not cover secondary gravel / dirt roads.